- C. T. Aksland, P. J. Tannous, M. J. Wagenmaker, H. C. Pangborn and A. G. Alleyne, “Hierarchical Predictive Control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Integrated Power, Propulsion, and Thermal Management System,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2022. (Link)
- K.M. Russell, C.T. Aksland, A.G. Alleyne, “graph-Based Dynamic Modeling of Two-Phase Heat Exchangers in Vapor Compression Systems,” International Journal of Refrigeration, 2022. (Link)
- C.T. Aksland, A.G. Alleyne, “Hierarchical Model-Based Predictive Controller for a Hybrid UAV Powertrain,” Control Engineering Practice, 2021. (Link)
- A.A. Armstrong, A.G. Alleyne, “A Multi-Input Single-Output Iterative Learning Control for Improved Material Placement in Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing,” Control Engineering Practice, 2021. (Link)
- S.S. Igram, A.G. Alleyne, “A Series-Hierarchical Iterative Learning Controller for Multi-Stage Systems,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2021. (Link)
- D.J. Docimo, Z. Kang, K.A. James, A.G. Alleyne, “Plant Controller Optimization for Power and Energy Systems with Model Predictive Control,” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 2021. (Link)
- D.J. Docimo, Z. Kang, K.A. James, A.G. Alleyne, “A Novel Framework for Simultaneous Topology and Sizing Optimization of Complex, Multi-Domain Systems-of-Systems,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 2020. (Link)
- A.A. Armstrong, A.G. Alleyne, and A.J. Wagoner Johnson, “1D and 2D Error Assessment and Correction for Extrusion-Based Bioprinting Using Process Sensing and Control Strategies,” Biofabrication, 2020. (Link)
- P. Tannous, and A. Alleyne, “Multi-Level Hierarchical Estimation for Thermal Management Systems of Electrified Vehicles with Experimental Validation,” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2020. (Link)
- S. Sharma, A.G. Alleyne, “Extremum Seeking Control of Battery-Powered Vapor Compression Systems for Commercial Vehicles,” International Journal of Refrigeration, 2020. (Link)
- A.A. Armstrong, A.J. Wagoner Johnson, and A.G. Alleyne, “An Improved Approach to Iterative Learning Control for Uncertain Systems,” IEEE Trans. Control System Tech., 2019. (Link)
- N.A. Weir and A.G. Alleyne, “A Graphical Design Approach for Two-Input Single-Output Systems Exploiting Plant/Controller Alignment: Design and Application,” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 2019. (Link)
- S. Peddada, P. Tannous, A.G. Alleyne, and J. Allison, “Optimal Sensor Placement Methods in Active High Power Density Electronic Systems with Experimental Validation,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 2019. (Link)
- A.A. Armstrong, J.A. Norato, A.G. Alleyne, and A.J. Wagoner Johnson, “Direct Process Feedback in Extrusion-based 3D Bioprinting,” Biofabrication, 2019. (Link)
- J. Koeln, H. Pangborn, M. Kawamura, M. Williams, and A.G. Alleyne, “Hierarchical Control of Aircraft Electro-Thermal Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2019. (Link)
- P. Tannous, and A. Alleyne, “Fault Detection and Isolation for Complex Thermal Management Systems,” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2019. (Link)
- S. Peddada, D. Herber, H. Pangborn, A. Alleyne, and J. Allison, “Optimal Flow Control and Single Split Architecture Exploration for Fluid-Based Thermal Management,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 2019. (Link)
- P. Tannous, S. Peddada, J. Allison, T. Foulkes, R. Pilawa, and A. Alleyne, “Model-Based Temperature Estimation of Power Electronics Systems,” Control Engineering Practice, 2019. (Link)
- H. Pangborn, J. Koeln, M. Williams, and A. Alleyne, “Experimental Validation of Graph-Based Hierarchical Control for Thermal Management,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2018. (Link)
- M. Williams, J. Koeln, H. Pangborn, and A. Alleyne, “Dynamical Graph Models of Aircraft Electrical, Thermal, and Turbomachinery Components,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2018. (Link)
- S. Zhang, S. Kieffer, C. Zhang, A. Alleyne and P. Braun, “Directed Molecular Collection by E‐Jet Printed Microscale Chemical Potential Wells in Hydrogel Films,” Advanced Materials, 2018.
- J. Koeln and A. Alleyne, “Robust Hierarchical Model Predictive Control of Graph-Based Power Flow Systems,” Automatica, Volume 96, 2018, Pages 127-133. (Link)
- J. Koeln and A. Alleyne, “Stability of Decentralized Model Predictive Control of Graph-based Power Flow Systems via Passivity,” Automatica, Volume 82, August 2017, Pages 29-34. (Link)
- H. Pangborn, J. Hey, T. Deppen, T. Fisher, A. Alleyne, “Hardware-in-the-Loop Validation of Advanced Fuel Thermal Management Control,” Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2017. (Link)
- H. Pangborn and A. Alleyne, “Switched Linear Control for Refrigerant Superheat Recovery in Vapor Compression Systems,” Control Engineering Practice, Volume 57, December 2016, Pages 142-156. (Link)
- H. Pangborn, A. Alleyne, N. Wu, “A Comparison between Finite Volume and Switched Moving Boundary Approaches for Dynamic Vapor Compression System Modeling”, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 53, May 2015, Pages 101-114. (Link)
- M.S. Onses, A.R. Hernandez, S. Hur, E. Sutanto, A.G Alleyne, P.F. Nealey, J.J. de Pablo, J.A Rogers, ” Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Block-Copolymer Assembly on Nanoscale Patterns of Polymer Brushes Formed by Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing”, ACS Nano, 2014. (Link)
- E. Sutanto, Y. Tan, B.T. Cunningham, A.G. Alleyne, “Multimaterial E-Jet Printed Micro-optical Devices”, Manufacturing Letters, 2014. (Link)
- N. Liu and A. Alleyne, “Iterative Learning Identification Applied to an Automated Off-highway Vehicle” IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, Volume 22, Issue 1, pp. 331-337,2014.
- N. Jain, J. Koeln, S. Sundaram, A. Alleyne, “Partially Decentralized Control of Large-scale Variable-refrigerant-flow Systems in Buildings”. Journal of Process Control, 2014.
- J. Koeln and A. Alleyne, “Optimal Subcooling in Vapor Compression Systems via Extremum Seeking Control: Theory and Experiments”. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2014.
- K. McCarthy, P. McCarthy, N. Wu, A. Alleyne, J. Koeln, S. Panaik, S. Emo, J. Cory, “Model Accuracy of Variable Fidelity Vapor Cycle System Simulations,” SAE Technical Paper, 2014.
- Y. Xie and A. Alleyne, “Two Degrees of Freedom Control Synthesis with Application to Agricultural Systems”, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control – Transaction of ASME , 136(5), 051006, May 2014.
- Y. Xie and A. Alleyne, “A Robust Two Degree-Of-Freedom Controller for Systems with Both Model and Measurement Uncertainty”, Control Engineering Practice, Volume 25, April 2014, Pages 55–65.
- Y. Xie, A. Alleyne, A. Greer and D. Deneault,”Fundamental Limits in Combine Harvester Header Height Control System”, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control – Transaction of ASME, 135(3), 034503, Mar., 2013.
- Y. Tan, E. Sutanto, A.G. Alleyne, B.T. Cunningham, “Sensitive Fluorescent Homogeneous Assay Using Photonic Crystal Enhanced Fluorescence in an E-jet Printed Submicron-channel”, Biophotonics, 2013. (Link)
- M. S. Onses, C. Song, L. Williamson, E. Sutanto, P.M. Ferreira, A.G. Alleyne, P.F. Nealey, H. Ahn, J.A. Rogers,”Hierarchical Patterns of Three Dimensional Block-Copolymer Films Formed by Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing and Self-Assembly”, Nature Nanotechnology, 2013. (Link)
Recent Journal Publications
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- Kayla Russell Smith passed her Preliminary Exam
- Reid Smith passed his Preliminary Exam
- Cary Laird Butler successfully defends her dissertation!
- Reid Smith passed his qualifying exam
- Kayla Russell passed her qualifying exam
- Reid Smith and Cary Laird Butler presented at the 2023 7th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications
- Chris Aksland successfully defends his dissertation!
- Dr. Alleyne elected to National Academy of Engineering
- Cary Laird Butler passed her Preliminary Exam
- Chris Aksland awarded the ASME Graduate Teaching Fellowship