2012 – Current
- C. Aksland, “Mission-specific design of aircraft energy systems,” 2023.
- S. Igram, “A distributed hierarchical iterative learning control framework,” 2022.
- N. Weir, “Control design and performance evaluation of a hybrid flexure bearing for precision pointing applications,” 2022.
- O. Angatkina, “Design and Control of an Origami-Enabled Soft Crawling Autonomous Robot (OSCAR),” 2021.
- P. Tannous, “Estimation and Fault Diagnosis for Vehicle Energy Systems,” 2020.
- A. Armstrong, “Direct Process Feedback in Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing Using an Improved Iterative Learning Control Approach,” 2020.
- H. Pangborn, “Hierarchical Control for Multi-Domain Coordination of Vehicle Energy Systems with Switched Dynamics,” 2019.
- M. Williams, “A Framework for the Control of Electro-Thermal Aircraft Power Systems,” 2017.
- J. Koeln, “Hierarchical Power Management in Vehicle Systems,” 2016.
- E. Sutanto, “Vision Based Interactive Learning Control for Nano/Micro-Manufacturing Systems,” 2014.
- N. Liu, “Learning Identification and Control for Repetitive Linear Time-Varying Systems,” 2014.
- Y. Xie, “Integrated Plant and Control Design for Vehicle-Environment Interaction,” 2013.
- T. Deppen, “Optimal Energy Use in Mobile Applications with Storage,” 2013.
- N. Jain, “Thermodynamics-Based Optimization and Control of Integrated Energy Systems,” 2013.
- V. Chandan, “Decentralized Thermal Control of Building Systems,” 2013.
- B. Li, “Dynamic Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Transportation HVAC Systems,” 2013.
2006 – 2011
- D.J. Hoelzle, “Flexible Adaptation of Iterative Learning Control with Applications to Synthetic Bone Graft Manufacturing,” 2011.
- K. Barton, “Precision Coordination and Motion Control of Multiple Systems via Iterative Learning Control,” 2010.
- T. L. McKinley, “Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Diesel Engine Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Systems,” 2009.
- B. Hencey, “Robust Controller Interpolation with Applications to Gain Scheduling,” 2008.
- D. Bristow, “Iterative Learning Control for Precision Motion Control of Micro-and Nanoscale Tracking Systems,” 2007.
- P. Kawka, “Controller Analysis and Synthesis for Wireless Servo Systems,” 2006.
2001 – 2005
- B. Rasmussen, “Gain Scheduled Control of Vapor Compression Systems with Guaranteed Stability,” 2005.
- M. Tharayil, “Switched Q-filters in Repetitive Control and Learning Control,” 2005.
- Y. Zhang, “A Hybrid Robust and Adaptive Control Strategy with Application to Active Vibration Isolation,” 2003.
- S. N. Brennan, “On Size and Control: the Use of Dimensional Analysis in Controller Design,” 2002.
- R. Zhang, “Multivariable Robust Control of Nonlinear Systems with Application to an Electrohydraulic Powertrain,” 2002.
- D. Zheng, “Iterative Learning Control of an Electrohydraulic Injection Molding Machine with Smoothed Fill-to-Pack Transition and Adaptive Filtering,” 2002.
- E B. Erdem, “Analysis and Real Time Implementation of State Dependent Riccati Equation Controlled Systems,” 2001.